Phomopsis Blight of Eggplant
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Phomopsis blight (Phomopsis vexans) most commonly affects fruit, although symptoms may also appear on leaves and stems. On fruit, small, circular lesions appear and enlarge rapidly; lesions often coalesce, covering a large portion of the fruit surface. Darkened rings may be evident in older lesions, giving them a zonate appearance. These rings are comprised of numerous fungal fruiting bodies (pycnidia) embedded in the diseased tissue. Infected fruit are unmarketable and often invaded by secondary organisms that cause rapid fruit decay. Disease can be problematic during warm and wet conditions
Phomopsis blight.
(Photo: Gerald Holmes, Strawberry Center, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo,
Phomopsis blight.
(Photo: Gerald Holmes, Strawberry Center, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo,
- Rotate with non-host crops
- Promptly destroy crop residues after harvest
- Deep plow to bury residual inoculum