Weeds Within Tunnels
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Weeds within tunnels compete for light, nutrients, and water; increase the incidence of insect and disease problems; and can reduce air circulation. Because high tunnels are considered greenhouses in Kentucky, few herbicides can be used within structures, except when plastic coverings have been removed for replacement.
Weeds within tunnels.
(Photo: Dan Egel, Purdue University, Bugwood.org)
White woven reusable ground cover in row middles for weed management.
(Photo: Shubin Saha, University of Kentucky)
Hand tools for use in weed management.
(Photo: Mike Bomford, Kentucky State University)
- Before constructing tunnels, be sure perennial weeds are under control at the site.
- Manage weeds within structures using hand tools or rototiller.
- Use mulch (black plastic, paper, or white-on-black plastic) in production areas. Straw (not hay), which should not contain seeds, can also be used as mulch.
- Do not allow weeds around structures to go to seed.
- Only use compost that has been properly produced so weed seeds are killed.
- If no crops are present during summer, close structures; weeds should die off from high temperatures.